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Guide to Writing a Resume for Software Engineer Internship

comprehensive guide to writing a resume for software engineer internship provided with inspirational examples and pro tips for a standout resume

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    Seeking to acquire an internship in a prestigious company?

    Getting hired by a software prestigious company requires a well-crafted resume for software engineer internship that highlights your qualifications and efficiency.

    Even if you don’t have any previous work experience you can craft a compelling resume that will land you the internship.

    In this guide, we will take you step-by-step into a discovering journey of crafting a CV for software engineer internship

    You will learn:

    Short on time? Resume Forrest can do it for you in minutes with ready-made content you can add to your resume for software engineer internship.

    How do I write a good resume for an internship?

    If that is your Question then you should know there is a more important thing you should think about before writing a resume for software engineer internship guess what? yes, the resume arrangement which is called resume formatting and basic sections.

    The resume for software engineer internship can be formatted in different kinds of formats such as the reverse chronological format, the functional format, and the combination format.

    But, to shorten the way of learning a lot of formats I will give you the secret of that the most loved format among hiring managers is the reverse chronological format.

    The reverse chronological format is about formatting and arranging your resume for software engineer internship according to the dates of action.

    For instance, when you have a lot of previous work experience you should add them in reverse chronological order from the earlier one to the last one and so on in other sections.

    So, what are the basic sections in your resume for software engineer internship?

    • The resume header.
    • Resume Profile or what is known for freshers as a resume objective.
    • Educational background section.
    • Work history or alternative sections.
    • Tailored skills.

    Remember your question How do I write a resume for a software engineer intern?

    Let’s learn how in more detail to not just a resume but an impressive resume for software engineer internship without any bug between the lines.

    Let the hiring managers have the ability to contact you in case you are chosen for the interview.

    With big font write your name at the top of your resume header then follow it with the position name mentioned in the job advertisement such as software engineer intern.

    Next, add your basic contact details such as your phone number, Professional email address, and LinkedIn profile, and for a resume for software engineer internship, it’s necessary to add your GitHub link.

    How does it appear on resume?

    John Smith
    Software engineer

    Phone number: 111-222-3333
    Email address: johnsmith@email.com 
    Linkedin profile: linkedin/johnsmith 
    GitHub link: john smith/github

    Pay attention to the typos and double or even triple-check your information, you need a resume for an interview, not trash.

    The resume objective is where you can give the hiring managers a reason to continue reading your resume and see you as a potential candidate for the role.

    Because first impression matters you should give that section a good concern.

    Write about 2-3 sentences as an overview about yourself, your education status, what you are skilled in, what qualifies you for the role, and what your professional goals are from joining the internship.

    for example

    Resume Objective

    A dedicated and inventive Software Engineering student with a knack for turning complex problems into elegant solutions. Adept in Python, Java, and C#, with a keen interest in exploring the frontiers of AI and machine learning. Thrive in collaborative environments and possess excellent communication and teamwork skills.

    Entry level software developer resume no experience can also include a resume objective but in case you have any previous experience mention that section as a resume summary.

    In addition to the objective components highlight the number of years of experience and the key achievements that can set you apart, and also mention how can you benefit the organization with your skills and expertise. 

    For example

    Resume Summary

    Enthusiastic software engineer with 2+ years of experience building Android applications in Java. Proficient in Kotlin and Android Studio, I successfully developed a fitness app with 50,000 active users and boosted user engagement by 20% through gamification features. Eager to join the Seven Programming team at the forefront of mobile development and contribute to innovative projects.

    Add more personalization to your resume for software engineer internship by mentioning the company name and tailoring your objective or summary to the job description advertised.

    After the resume objective directly add your educational background section, it’s a crucial section in the resume for software engineer internship so keep it closer to the top of your resume.

    For example

    Educational background

    Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
    Stanford University, Stanford, CA
    Expected Graduation: June 2025

    GPA: 3.8

    Relevant Coursework: Algorithms, Data Structures, Operating Systems, Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence

    As it appears it’s a so seamless section to add just minted your degree followed by the university name and the dates of studying.

    In case you didn’t,t graduated simply mention your expected graduation year.

    Don’t hesitate to add the relevant coursework to your resume for software engineer internship.

    In reverse chronological order add your previous work experience to your resume for software engineer internship.

    First, write your position followed by the company name and the working period.

    Next, in bullet points list your achievements.

    For example

    Work Exoerience

    AI Research Intern
    Google AI, Mountain View, CA
    June 2023 – August 2023

    -Assisted in developing a new natural language processing model for generating realistic dialogue, utilizing Python and TensorFlow.
    -Conducted extensive data analysis and model evaluation, contributing to the improvement of model performance.
    -Presented research findings at the internal Google AI Research Symposium.

    As you noticed in the example we converted the task and accomplishments into winning achievements where every achievement starts with an action verb such as assisted, conducted, presented.

    Action verbs add more value to your achievements and make your resume for software engineer internship look better.

    Don’t have previous working experience? don’t worry it’s common between freshers and students.

    You’re about gaining working experience but for now, to acquire a chance for an internship you can use alternative sections such as your projects, training and professional certificates, hobbies and interests, and the language also can be a beneficial section.

    For example


    Open-source Robotics Library
    Developed and open-sourced a Python library for robot arm control, gaining over 1,000 stars on GitHub.

    Personal AI Assistant
    Built a personal AI assistant using Python and Google Assistant API, capable of scheduling tasks, answering questions, and controlling smart home devices. (Link to GitHub repository)

    Competitive Programming
    Regularly participate in competitive programming competitions, achieving top rankings on platforms like CodeForces and HackerRank.

    Volunteer work

    Volunteer developer
    Code for Change
    (helping non-profit organizations build technology solutions)

    -Tutored underprivileged youth in coding and robotics at a local community center
    -Developed an educational web app for teaching basic computer science concepts to elementary school children

    Interests and hobbies

    -Playing guitar and composing musi
    -Hiking and exploring the outdoors
    -Robotics enthusiast and competitor in FIRST Robotics competitions
    -Building and tinkering with electronics and DIY projects
    -Active member of the local maker community

    The best chance to stand out with a resume for software engineer internship is to show your relevant skills to the internship.

    For that reason read the job description carefully and think about your related skills that match the internship needs.

    Next list a combination of your soft skin and hard skills.

    It’s preferred to pick the top three of your skills and show how you applied them.

    Examples of skills in resume for software engineer internship


    Technical skills

    Programming Languages: Python, Java, C++, JavaScript, etc
    Data Structures and Algorithms: Fundamental data structures (arrays, linked lists, trees, graphs) and algorithms (sorting, searching, etc.).
    Object-Oriented Programming
    Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC): Familiar with the different stages of software development, from planning and design to testing and deployment.
    Databases: Relational databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL) and potentially NoSQL databases.
    Operating Systems like Windows, Linux, and macOS.

    Soft Skills

    Critical Thinking
    Time Management
    Attention to Detail

    read more : Top 10 Steps For A Web Developer Resume With No Experience

    As your knowledge and experience are crucial your resume appearance is crucial as well.

    In order to give your resume for internship a perfect appearance do it as follows:

    • Write in a software engineer intern resume template that is an ATS-friendly resume template not an ordinary one with bad layouts.
    • Format your CV with one of the best resume formats in 2024, preferring the reverse chronological order.
    • List the diverse information in each section using bullet points.
    • Add more white spaces by setting your page margins to 1 inch and keep a double space between the sections.
    • Use formal easy-to-read fonts from the best resume fonts in 2024 as Helvetica and Calibri avoid using fonts like Comic Sans. keep the font size at 9:12 pt.
    • Don’t stretch and make your resume at most two pages, one page is enough for a resume for software engineer internship.

    After completing the process of writing and revision your resume don’t forget to save it in a PDF extension you don’t want all your efforts in arranging your CV to have gone because of formats such as Word.

    Jane Doe
    software engineer intern

    Phone number: 111-222-3333
    Email address: janedoe@email.com 
    Linkedin profile link: linkedin/janedoe
    GitHub link: github/janedoe


    A highly motivated and results-oriented Computer Science student with a strong passion for software development. Possesses excellent programming skills in Python, Java, and C++, and a deep understanding of software engineering principles. Eager to learn and contribute to a dynamic team environment.


    Bachelor of Science in Computer Science 
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge
    Expected Graduation: May 2025

    GPA: 3.9

    Relevant Coursework: Algorithms, Data Structures, Operating Systems, Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence

    work Experience

    Software Engineering Intern
    ACME Tech, Boston, MA 
    June 2023 – August 2023

    -Developed a new recommendation algorithm for ACME Tech’s e-commerce platform using Python and Django, resulting in a 15% increase in conversion rates.

    -Designed and implemented unit tests for the recommendation algorithm, ensuring code quality and stability.
    -Collaborated with a team of software engineers to design and implement a new user interface for the recommendation system.

    Research Assistant
    MIT Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Lab, Cambridge
    January 2022 – May 2023

    -Worked on a research project to develop a new deep-learning model for natural language processing.
    -Implemented the model in Python using TensorFlow and evaluated its performance on various benchmark datasets.
    -Presented the research findings at the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) conference.


    Personal Portfolio Website

    Built a personal website using ReactJS to showcase my skills and experience. (Link to website)

    Image Captioning Machine Learning Project

    Developed a machine learning model to automatically generate captions for images using Python and TensorFlow. (Link to GitHub repository)

    Open-source Contribution

    Contributed to the development of a popular Python library for data analysis.


    Programming Languages: Python, Java, C++, JavaScript
    Frameworks and Libraries: Django, ReactJS, TensorFlow
    Tools and Technologies: Git, GitHub, AWS, Docker
    Soft Skills: Communication, Teamwork, Problem-Solving, Critical Thinking


    Native in English
    Fluent in Spanish

    Don’t hesitate to use this template resume for software engineer internship and customize it according to your information.

    For future needs of improving in your career, read more about:

    read more :

    What Is The Difference Between Software Developer Vs Software Engineer

    In a crowded world of candidates and a huge amount of resumes hiring managers give the mission of reviewing CVs to an AI software called ATS that can filter the CVs according to keywords.

    As a software engineer, you know exactly what it means when we mention that AI software will review your resume for software engineer internship and decide your destination whether to the interview or “sorry you got rejected”.

    So you should optimize your CV for ATS, you don’t want your CV to be like a bug among 1,000 lines of code no one can find.

    For that reason, we crafted  Resume Forrest the best Resume builder for freshers in 2024 with impressive features that will help you build your CV with ATS in mind.

    Even if you can write a compelling resume you need an ATS resume checker to make sure that your resume for software engineer internship is well-optimized for ATS.

    Resume Forrest is not just a resume builder but also an AI resume optimizer who can assist you in the process of crafting a resume by choosing the most appropriate resume template according to your field and level of proficiency, and suggest ready-made content to add to your CV.

    With Resume Forrest you have all the equipment to craft a compelling resume for software engineer internship in minutes.

    Try Fesume Forrest today and explore the magic.

    read more :

    Make your move!

    Your resume is an extension of yourself.
    Make one that's truly you.

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    ResumeForrest, a SaaS career operating system, features tools for creating, transforming, optimizing, and scoring resumes to enhance job application success.
