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Top javascript interview questions for 10 years experience

Explore the essential javascript interview questions for 10 years experience that will set you apart in your next job interview.

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    You have probably faced numerous challenging and difficult interview questions about javascript during your ten years as a dedicated JavaScript developer. This all-inclusive guide will take you through the most significant concepts and techniques about javascript interview questions for 10 years experience which experienced interviewers sometimes study to prepare you for the next interview.

    Javascript interview questions for 10 years experience

    You are about to have an interview and looking for javascript interview questions and answers to learn what will you go through to get prepared, here are more than 10 interview questions every javascript developer should know in 2024:

    1- Can you explain Navigating Asynchronous Operations and how javascript handles them?

    This is one of the javascript coding interview questions for 10 years experience as JavaScript’s ability in handling asynchronous tasks is one of its cornerstones, complicating matters even for seasoned developers. 

    Do you know how JavaScript’s event loop manages asynchronous operations, callback functions’ role, promises and async/await in managing asynchronous flows? Demonstrating mastery of this basic principle shows that you really understand how JavaScript works deep down.

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    2- Can you explain the difference between Equality and Type Coercion?

    One of the most frequent and basic interview questions on javascript is explaining the difference between == and the === operators that are used for equality comparison.

    These include understanding more on type coercion and how value comparisons are done in Javascript including using == or ===. This will give you an opportunity to show your competence by making such subtle but important differentiations.

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    3- What is The Might of Closures in javascript?

    This is one of the javascript interview questions for 10 years experience, because Every well-seasoned developer must grasp what closures are because they form the foundation of JavaScript’s functional programming. 

    You should explain how they function, how you can use them to create private variables and methods as well as the practical applications of closures in day-to-day JavaScript development you engage in.

    Closures are a powerful feature in JavaScript, as they allow you to create private variables and methods, simulate object-oriented programming patterns, and maintain state across function calls.

    Here’s a simple example of a closure:

    function outerFunction() {
      const outerVar = ‘I am outside!’;
      function innerFunction() {
        console.log(outerVar); // We can access outerVar even though it’s outside of this function
      return innerFunction;
    const myInnerFunction = outerFunction();
    myInnerFunction(); // Logs ‘I am outside!’ even though the outer function

    4- What is the difference between Null and Undefined

    Even experienced developers find it hard to describe the difference between null and undefined in JavaScript which tends to be one of the common and advanced javascript interview questions for 10 years experience asked by interviewers to test one’s understanding of JavaScript’s type system. 

    Always be ready to explain what separates these two values from each other, their uses respectively and also how one can best manage situations where these issues arise in his/her code.

    In general, you should use null to represent the intentional absence of an object value, and undefined to represent the absence of a value or the lack of a defined value.

    Here’s a comparison:

    let x; // x is undefined
    let y = null; // y is null
    console.log(x); // Output: undefined
    console.log(y); // Output: null
    console.log(typeof x); // Output: “undefined”
    console.log(typeof y); // Output: “object” (this is a known bug in JavaScript)
    console.log(x === null); // Output: false
    console.log(x == null); // Output: true (because undefined == null)

    5- Can you explain how Event Looping works?

    The event loop serves as one of the most basic concepts underlying the asynchronous nature of JavaScript. That makes it one of the basic javascript interview questions, so you should know how the event loop functions including the call stack plus task queues and microtasks, all working together for efficient concurrent operations in JavaScript.

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    6- Can you explain the difference between Variables or Scope?

    JavaScript has three variable declaration keywords: let, const, and var. Explain what each is used for in terms of their differences in scope, hoisting, redeclaration and when to use them.


    Function-scoped: Variables declared with var are accessible within the function they are defined in, or globally if defined outside of a function.

    Hoisted: Variables declared with var are hoisted to the top of their scope, with their value initialized as undefined.


    Block-scoped: Variables declared with let are accessible within the block (e.g., inside a { } pair) they are defined in.

    Not hoisted: Variables declared with let are not hoisted, and attempting to use them before they are declared will result in a ReferenceError.


    Block-scoped: Variables declared with const are accessible within the block they are defined in, just like let.

    Not hoisted: const variables are not hoisted, similar to let.

    Immutable: The value of a const variable cannot be reassigned. However, if the variable is an object or an array, its properties or elements can still be modified.

    Here’s a comparison:

    function example() {
      console.log(x); // Output: undefined
      var x = 1;
      console.log(y); // ReferenceError: y is not defined
      let y = 2;
      const z = 3;
      z = 4; // TypeError: Assignment to constant variable.

    7- How Prototypal Inheritance works?

    This aspect of JavaScript makes it different from other languages with class-based inheritance. Elaborate on how prototype chain works, objects inherit properties and methods in JavaScript programming language and illustrate the significance of proto and Object.create() in implementing prototypal inheritance. Being able to explain accurately this concept can impress those interviewing you.

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    8- What is The “this” Keyword in javascript?

    One of the tricky javascript interview questions for 10 years experience is the question about this, because Even experienced developers sometimes find the “this” keyword confusing. Expose yourself to the variety of rules that determine its value – including the divergences between method invocations, function invocations, and arrow functions. Your proficiency in navigating through such intricacies will reveal your skillfulness in Java Scripting.

    The value of this can be one of the following:

    • Global context
    • Object context
    • Explicit context
    • Arrow functions

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    9- Can you Break down the concept of hoisting and how it works?

    This is one of the famous javascript interview questions for 10 years experience, as Hoisting is a JavaScript mechanism that moves variable and function declarations to the top of their respective scopes before code execution.

    Explain how hoisting works, its implications for variable and function declarations, and strategies for managing hoisting to avoid common pitfalls.

    10- Can you explain the difference between Functions vs. Methods?

    Although they may seem similar at first sight, functions and methods in JavaScript exhibit different characteristics in terms of their purpose, context or usage. Clearly articulate the differences between these two concepts, including how this is handled, and provide examples of when to use functions versus methods in your code.

    11- What is the concept of Promises and Asynchronous Programming?

    Promises have become an important component in modern JavaScript due to their ability to handle asynchronous operations more tidily. Demonstrate you understand promises by explaining their lifecycle – Promise.then(), Promise.catch(), Promise.all() -, and where exactly they fit in javascript’s asynchronous programming world.

    12- Can you explain the difference between Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Programming?

    The language capability of handling both synchronous and asynchronous programming models is one of the javascript interview questions for 10 years experience, because it is among the most significant features of JavaScript. Provide a clear explanation of the differences between these two paradigms.

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    13- Can you explain Event Delegation?

    Event delegation is a method used in JavaScript that allows one to attach an event handler to one of its parent elements, thereby enabling the handling of events.  Elucidate on the merits of event delegation, its operation and give some instances where it can be employed.

    14- Can you explain the purpose of Array Manipulation with map()?

    The Array.map() function is crucial for every JavaScript developer because it enables data efficiency and manipulation. What is map() used for?How does it differ from for Each() and filter()? Give examples to support your work.

    15- What are the Functional Programming Principles?

    JavaScript has the flexibility that makes it possible to incorporate functional programming features like immutability, higher-order functions as well as pure functions among others. 

    How are these principles used in JavaScript?; What advantages do they have?; Can they make your code more testable or maintainable? Briefly explain.

    16- What is the difference between Arrow Functions and Regular Functions?

    In ES6, arrow functions were introduced to provide a concise way of defining functions in JavaScript. What are the major differences between regular functions and arrow functions including this keyword behavior and situation when use them?

    17- What is the Destructuring and the Spread Operator?

    One of the experienced javascript interview questions is about The spread operator and destructuring, which are powerful new features in ES6 that make variable assignment as well as object / array manipulation easier. Demonstrate your understanding of these concepts by explaining their syntax, use cases, and how you can streamline your JavaScript code.

    18- Can you explain Memoization and Performance Optimization?

    Performance optimization is a technique that caches the results of expensive function calls. Go over memoization’s aim, its implementation in JavaScript, and the problems it solves best especially when it comes to optimizing code for performance.

    19- What is the difference between the Static and Instance Methods?

    Among other things JavaScript offers both static methods and instance methods in its object-oriented programming model. Elaborate on differences between the two types of method, when one should use each type of them, and provide examples of practical uses for them in a Java Script project.

    20- What are Data Binding and Reactive Programming?

    This is one of the important javascript interview questions for 10 years experience, because Data binding is a major concept behind most modern JavaScript frameworks/libraries thus helping in keeping UIs synced with underlying data models. Explain what data binding means, how it relates to reactive programming paradigms, why is it important when building dynamic or responsive web applications?

    21- Can you explain the difference between Expressions vs Statement?

    The differentiation between statements and expressions in JavaScript is a loaded one, which has implications for how code gets evaluated and executed. Elaborate on the differences that exist between these two basic constructs of language and give examples to show understanding.

    22- What are Immutable State & State Management?

    This is one of the important javascript interview questions for 10 years experience, because Immutable is a central aspect in functional programming that is increasingly important in contemporary JavaScript development especially when dealing with state management. Talk about why to use immutable data structures, strategies for managing state in your applications, and the ways they contribute to code that is more predictable and maintainable.

    23- Strict Mode: What’s it all about?

    This is one of the javascript interview questions for 10 years experience you may be asked as JavaScript has a feature called strict mode that enforces stricter rules and behavior, helping developers write more secure and robust code while avoiding common pitfalls. Give reasons as to why strict mode was introduced; what are its characteristics? How practical can you be when using strict mode in your JavaScript projects?

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    24- What is the purpose of JavaScript’s Set object?

    In JavaScript, the data structure called Set has the capacity to stow away distinct values of diverse kinds including object references and primitive values. What is the purpose of this object and how can it be used? How it differs from arrays and what are some other ways we can work with sets.

    Now you have more than top 20 javascript interview questions that you can use to pass the javascript technical interview questions and get hired.


    These basic principles and skills in JavaScript will enhance your performance during a JavaScript interview while at the same time improve your overall professional development as an experienced JavaScript developer. A clear understanding of these javascript interview questions for 10 years experience in addition to the core principles for JavaScript will position you as an invaluable member within any development team.

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