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Best 50+ vue js interview questions and answers 2024

Ace Your Vue.js Interviews with these Essential vue js interview questions and Answers for Every Level

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    For those people who are new to the framework, navigating through vue js interview questions is not an easy task. Whether you have just finished college or you are a regular developer, one thing that you have to understand is that preparing for these technical interviews is necessary if one wants to show his abilities and secure their dream job. In this article, we will discuss certain vital vue js interview questions that you should be aware of and get some answers on how to ace them irrespective of your experience level – from someone coming straight out of college to senior pros.

    Interview questions vuejs for freshers

    As a fresher you may not be familiar with vue js framework and the questions about it, that’s why we prepared more than vue js 3 interview questions to make sure you can pass your interview. Here are the best vue js interview questions for freshers:

    1- What is Vue.js?

    Vue.js is a JavaScript framework which can be used to develop user interfaces and dynamic single page web applications.

    2-Is Vue.js not supported by most browsers? True or False?

    False, it is supported by virtually all browsers the majority of times.

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    Here are some of the features associated with Vue.js. Things like:

    • templates
    • event handling
    • routing
    • data binding
    • light weightness
    • easy integration etc..

    A filter is a Java Script function that alters data output to the browser.

    v-for directive is just one among the many built-in directives provided by the Vue library for iterating over an array or object.

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    The creation of a new instance of Vue can be done via the use of new keyword along side the call to an instance constructor, available as Vue() (Vue function).

    var ab = newVue({……………….})

    Yes, such filters are called custom filters in vue js because they have been manually defined there.

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    There are many other built-in directives in Vue.js including v-for, v-show, v-if, and so on.

    The purpose of “const” is to generate constants.

    Some of these include React, Angular jQuery Bootstrap etc.

    Virtual DOM is Javascript representation of Document Object Model (DOM) but light weight.

    Yes it does.

    Trivago, Netflix, Adobe, Facebook, Gitlab and Grammarly among others.

    The one-way data flow or one-way data binding in vue can be made possible through the use of the v-bind directive.

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    v-model directive is used for creating two-way bindings in Vue.js.

    Mixin is a preferable way of distributing reusable facilities across Vue components.

    No, the filters are removed from Vue 3.x and it implies that the latest version of Vue.js has no filters;

    Yes, filters can be reused in vue.

    Vue.js works faster than other JavaScript frameworks because it was developed with lightweight virtual DOM involved.

    If you have more experience, then you need some complicated vue js interview questions which you can find next.

    If you have some experience and looking for vue js interview questions for 3 years experience or less, then these vue js interview questions would be a great help for you:

    Yes, Axios library helps us to make REST Api call which enables us to call a REST API from veus JS.

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    This would be one of the vue js interview questions that you can answer by this:

    push(), pop(), shift() slice(), sort() and many others are some commonly known methods within the scope of vue js.

    22- What are key modifiers in Vue.js?

    Some of the key modifiers include: esc, space, tab and delete among others that are present

    • stop
    • capture
    • self
    • once
    • passive et cetera

    While v-show makes an element conditionally visible, v-if actually creates or destroys elements based on a condition.

    Below are some of the Vue.js mouse event modifiers. This includes:

    • left
    • right
    • middle

    $parent property allows the child to access its parent instances just like $root Property.

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    In Vue.js, any component can be registered as a global component such that it can be accessed from anywhere within the application.

    One of the vue js interview questions the you maybe asked is about component, you can answer stating that:

    In Vue.js, any component can be registered as a local component so that it can only be used there where it was registered and accessed elsewhere.

    Vue has three different types of components which include templates, stylesheets, and scripts.

    $Child property allows developers to access the child instance as does $parent.

    There are several advantages that come with using Vue.js.

    • Easy Integrations
    • User-Friendly Interface
    • Better Performance
    • Easy Learning Curve
    • Reliable, among others

    v-if, v-else, v-else-if, etc are examples of conditional directives provided by VUE.JS.

    It is a webpack loader for vue.js single file component.

    The reactivity system in Vue.js refers to converting plain JavaScript objects into reactive proxies.

    These are used for indicating references to other HTML elements or child elements.

    One may also go for using the plugins available on vueplugins.org

    By using v-text directive, we can then update elements of textContext with our data .

    This collection of vuejs interview questions would be great for those who have experience. Find the best vue js interview questions  that can help you in your next interview:

    The mechanism with which one can witness modifications occurring from data as one is doing some operations on the structuring of that data.

    v-bind directive provides a way to assign values to HTML attributes, change style, and assigning classes.

    • It relates browser URL with Vues’
    • Components.

    There are various types of directives found in Vue.js because; they include

    • Empty Directive
    • Literal Directive
    • General Directive,
    • and Custom Directive

    Mixins offer an advantage in that reusable features can be shared between them when they are used within a program.

    Here are steps or events observed during lifecycle of the actual Vue instance beforeCreate event created event beforeMount event mounted event beforeUpdate event updated event beforeDestroy event destroy event

    The navigation guards are utilized by vue routers so as to guide routes either through redirecting them or by stopping them from happening at all.

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    Vue.js introduces a fresh functionality like instant prototyping that enables creation of components from anywhere on the machine and previews them.

    Component is one of the main feature in Vue.js .These components are used to extend the basic HTML elements into reusable code. It also can be registered as local and global components using two different ways.

    Asynchronous components in Vue.js are components that usually separate the loading process of a component for fast loading.

    Dynamic routing allows you to set up routes with dynamic segments, allowing flexible and parameterized URL handling in Vue.js.

    By using cloneNode() method, you can duplicate virtual nodes inside a Vue component.

    Event listeners, circular references, improper cleanup of resources are some of the common sources of memory leaks in vue apps.

    To make accessible Vue applications it is advisable to use well defined and meaningful HTML tags, have proper labeling with focus management, adhering to WCAG guidelines.

    In Vue name spacing is a technique used to divide store modules by avoiding naming collisions thus making them more maintainable.

    Each Vuex module is a self-sufficient unit consisting of states, mutations, actions and getters which makes it easy to build modular scalable Vuex architecture.

    Vue composition API is an alternative way of organizing and reusing component logic making it more flexible and testable as compared to options API

    There are several ways animations can be added to a Vue app including using CSS transitions/animations, JavaScript-based animations or third-party animation libraries.

    Some common techniques on how you can optimize a vue application include; code splitting lazy loading performance budgeting efficient state management

    No, it’s not difficult learning Vue.js.

    Yes, its performance and stability makes it better than React.

    Definitely it worth, that’s due the need for web developers and their ability to develop different applications using open-source frameworks such as VUE.JS

    Vue is actually a JavaScript framework rather than being just a library.

    To become a successful Vue.js developer, becoming good at answering vue js interview questions is very important. As a result of mastering the key concepts, advanced features, as well as best practices in the framework, one can effectively demonstrate their expertise and get hired in their preferred organization. Hence success lies not only in memorizing responses but understanding principles behind these answers and utilizing them appropriately in real life situations. Good luck with your Vue.js Interviews!

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