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Top skills in resume for web developer with 2 examples

Explore the essential skills in resume for web developer that should be showcased and how to write an effective resume that can pass ATS check.

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    Web Developer Resumes are designed to sell your skills and experience to an employer, that’s why they must be narrative. In other words, an employer should be able to figure out from what they read in your resume about your accomplishments and background. It is important to have good skills in resume for web developer if you want to get Interviewed because this is the first thing employers see about applicants!

    This article from Resume Forrest will provide you with Web developer cv skills that are needed, in addition to other elements you need to include in your resume and samples you can follow to build your web developer cv.

    This article will be discussing these following points:

    • Skills in resume for web developer
    • Writing a web developer resume
    • Web developer resume template free

    Skills in resume for web developer

    To match a resume web developer with the job description, your resume as a web developer should include technical Web developer skills and programming languages. 

    The most commonly required skills for a web developer position are knowledge of HTML and CSS. However, the needed skills in resume for web developer will change depending on the job.

    Below are some examples of what you can write on your resume for web developer:

    Technical skills in resume for web developer

    • HTML
    • HTML5  
    • CSS
    • C++ 
    • Front-end frameworks
    • JavaScript 
    • Java 
    • Git
    • User experience (UX)
    • SQL 
    • Wireframing
    • DNS management
    • jQuery 
    • APIs (Application Programming Interfaces)
    • Testing, debugging
    • Responsive design
    • Document object model (DOM)
    • User interface (UI)
    • PHP 
    • Ruby 
    • Python 

    A seasoned web developer must keep learning about new tools and languages to stay current with industry trends. One way to go beyond other developers who may have similar skills in resume for web developer but no soft skills is by highlighting your soft skills.

    Read the guide to build professional web developer resume

    Soft skills in resume for web developer

    • Communication
    • Collaboration
    • Time Management
    • Adaptability
    • Creativity
    • Visual Thinking
    • Leadership
    • Passion
    • Negotiation
    • Patience

    Writing a web developer resume

    In your resume, you should include some sections alongside with the skills in resume for web developer such as summary, web development experience, education, and skills you have. That is how you need to present each section of them or use Resume Builder For Free:


    Craft a two- to four-sentence overview of what makes you great at what you do. This part must spark interest and let employers know why they should hire you.

    Learn how to craft a  junior front end developer resume

    Web development experience

    To make this section expressive, you need to follow these steps:

    • Detail only relevant professional experiences.
    • Use bullet points under each position.
    • Mentioning achievements rather than daily tasks.

    Know how to craft a Professional Backend Developer Resume


    Start with your highest level of education (university/college included) followed by certificates or diplomas obtained through additional training opportunities beyond high school graduation date(s); specify degree/certificate earned, institution name & location as well as duration attended such as when honors were achieved plus scholarships granted if any.

    Learn how to craft a resume for front end developer with no experience


    These are excellent for indicating what you’ve done and what you care about. Make sure to list the project name, a link, your role, and a short description.

    Web developer resume template free

    If you are looking for a CV web developer template Free, here is one of the best web developer resume template you can use:

    Phone Number
    An [top skills] experienced web developer who created a [major web development accomplishment or project]. I have a passion for [web development interests].
    Job title, Company Month, Year – Month, Year
    [Action word] [skill/task] [result/impact]
    [Action word] [skill/task] [result/impact]
    [Action word] [skill/task] [result/impact]
    Job title, Company Month, Year – Month, Year
    [Action word] [skill/task] [result/impact]
    [Action word] [skill/task] [result/impact]
    [Action word] [skill/task] [result/impact]
    Degree or certificate earned, School name Graduation date
    [Technical skills]
    Project, Role
    Brief description of the project

    Resume web developer example

    Use this web developer cv example to craft a perfect CV you can use for applying for the new position:

    Junior web Developer cv

    Read this sample resume for web development to get ideas on how you can showcase your skills:
    Email: your.email@email.com
    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/yourprofile


    A 26-year-old web developer with a Bachelor of Computer Science degree and an extensive portfolio is looking for a full-time job in the field of web development. Possesses refined HTML, CSS, JavaScript skills as well as a collaborative nature and creative mind.

    Work experience

    Web Developer, Junior Level, Company Name,Date

    Led a major content management system update for a client’s website.
    implemented a new feature that led to user interaction growth of 45%.
    tested, optimized different websites resulting in a decrease in customer complaints by 75%.

    Key Skills

    User experience (UX)
    Front-end frameworks


    Bachelor of Computer Science, Bachelor of Science in Software, University name, Date

    Know how to craft a resume for junior web developer

    Senior web Developer cv

    Email: your.email@email.com
    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/yourprofile


    Senior web Developer, Company Name, Date 

    • Redesigned a feature and increased user engagement by four-tenths.
    • Improved system reliability by one-third through guiding five developers to adopt microservices design.
    • Reduced go-to-market time for new features by over a fifth by implementing CI/CD pipelines.
    • Found and resolved more than thirty critical security vulnerabilities with cross-functional teams.
    • Created a caching strategy that boosted application performance fifty percent.

    Web Development Team Lead, Company Name, Date

    • Saved twenty-five percent on operational costs by switching to serverless infrastructure.
    • Supported junior staff in their professional growth, resulting in three promotions within twelve months.
    • Tripled company’s open-source contribution from the department, increasing organization recognition within the field.

    Front-End Engineer, Company Name, Date

    Across all platforms, my team’s conversion rate grew an average of 20% after I reworked several outdated user interfaces.


    HTML5, CSS3, ES6 JavaScript, React.js Vue.js AngularJS; B/E: Node.js Express.js Ruby on Rails PHP SQL NoSQL MongoDB; DevOps & Cloud: AWS EC2 S3 Lambda Docker Kubernetes CI/CD Pipelines Jenkins;
    Tools & Methods: Git Scrum Kanban RESTful API Design GraphQL Webpack

    Leadership: Microsoft; monthly internal technology discussion initiated, 25+ junior developers mentored

    Professional Development: Google I/O 20XX and 20XX attendance; contributed to over 40 repositories per annul on GitHub


    Master of Science in Computer Science, University name, Date
    Certification in Advanced Web Development
    Certifications: Web Developer Certified at The Institute of Web Development 

    Know how to craft a Senior Front End Developer

    Whether you are looking for a senior  junior front end developer cv example or a senior backend developer resume you can follow or guide to showcase your skills in resume for web developer and craft the best resume for web development.

    Read also:

    Make your move!

    Your resume is an extension of yourself.
    Make one that's truly you.

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    ResumeForrest, a SaaS career operating system, features tools for creating, transforming, optimizing, and scoring resumes to enhance job application success.
