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The Best Nursing Resume Guide & Examples For 2024

Craft a standout nursing resume with our expert tips and information. Highlight your skills, experience, and qualifications to land your dream nursing job.

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Table of Contents

    In the competitive healthcare field, a strong nursing resume is essential. It’s the first impression employers have of you, so it’s important to showcase your skills, experiences, and qualifications. 

    However, a top-notch nursing resume goes beyond credentials. It should highlight your unique contributions, professional achievements, commitment to patient care, and capacity for teamwork and leadership. 

    By including the right elements, your resume can stand out and impress hiring managers, helping you advance your nursing career in 2024. Therefore, it’s crucial to invest time and effort into creating a well-rounded nursing resume.

    Table Of Contents about nursing resume

    1. Understanding The Job Description
    2. Resume Format And Structure 
      • Chronological Resume Format
      • Functional Resume Format
      • Hybrid Or Combination Format
    3. Writing A Strong Objective Or Summary 
    4. Showcasing Skills And Competencies
      • Identify Relevant Skills
      • Technical Proficiency
      • Soft Skills
      • Certifications
      • Use Action Verbs
    5. Detailing Work Experience
      • Recent Experience
      • Explain Your Role
      • Highlight Achievements
      • Use Action Words
      • Quantify Where Possible
      • Include Relevant Training
    6. Relevant Education And Certifications
      • Highlight Your Degree
      • Certifications
      • Specialized Training
      • Continuing Education
    7. Professional Affiliations And Awards
      • Professional Affiliations
      • Awards and Recognitions
    8. Proofreading And Editing
    9. Role Of Resume Builder
    10. Frequently Asked Questions
    11. Wrapping Up

    Understanding The Job Description of nursing

    Understanding the job description is part of the critical steps to formatting a professional nursing resume effectively. It offers insight into what potential employers are seeking, allowing you to align your skills, experience, and qualifications accordingly.

    To increase your chances of landing a nursing job, follow these steps: 

    • Read the job description thoroughly to understand the responsibilities and requirements. 
    • Identify the keywords or phrases used consistently in the job description, such as ‘patient care’ or ‘team collaboration’. 
    • Incorporate these keywords into your resume, especially in the skills and work experience sections. 
    • Tailor your career summary or objective to match the job’s goals.

    This process requires time and thought, but it’s worth it. A tailored resume can significantly increase your chances of landing an interview.

    Resume Format And Structure 

    When writing your nursing resume, it’s essential to understand the different types of resume formats: chronological, functional, and hybrid, and choose the one that best highlights your strengths and experiences.

    • Chronological Resume Format

    A chronological resume format is the most common and traditional type. It lists your work history in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent job at the top. This format is beneficial for nurses with a solid work history as it clearly showcases career progression and stability.

    Here is a sample nursing resume in chronological format:

    Jane Doe, RN
    Contact Information
    123 Main Street, Anytown, USA | (555) 555-5555 | janedoe@email.com

    Objective Statement
    Dedicated and compassionate Registered Nurse with over five years of experience in the medical field, seeking a challenging position to apply my skills in a fast-paced environment. Committed to providing high-quality patient care and contributing to a team-focused approach.
    Licenses & Certifications
    Registered Nurse (RN), State of USA
    Basic Life Support (BLS)
    Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS)
    Professional Experience
    Anytown Hospital, Anytown, USA – Registered Nurse (2018-Present)
    Delivered high-quality patient care for up to 10 patients per shift in a high-stress, acute care setting.
    Collaborated with multidisciplinary healthcare teams to create and implement individualized care plans.
    Trained new staff on quality control procedures.
    City Clinic, Anytown, USA – Staff Nurse (2016-2018)
    Administered medication and treatments as prescribed by physicians.
    Provided patient education on disease prevention and post-hospital care.
    Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), Anytown University, 2016
    Excellent interpersonal skills
    Proficient in electronic medical records (EMR) systems
    Ability to work under pressure
    • Functional Resume Format

    A functional resume focuses more on skills than work history. It’s ideal for those with gaps in their employment, career changers, or fresh graduates. In a nursing context, this could mean highlighting skills such as patient care, medical administration, or emergency response.

    Jane Doe, RN
    Contact Information
    123 Main Street, Anytown, USA | (555) 555-5555 | janedoe@email.com
    Objective Statement
    Dedicated and compassionate Registered Nurse with over five years of experience in the medical field, seeking a challenging position to apply my skills in a fast-paced environment.
    Excellent interpersonal skills
    Proficient in electronic medical records (EMR) systems
    Ability to work under pressure
    Experienced in acute care settings
    Skilled in creating and implementing individualized care plans
    Proficient in administering medication and treatments
    Licenses & Certifications
    Registered Nurse (RN), State of USA
    Basic Life Support (BLS)
    Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS)
    Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), Anytown University, 2016
    Work History
    Anytown Hospital, Anytown, USA – Registered Nurse (2018-Present)
    City Clinic, Anytown, USA – Staff Nurse (2016-2018)
    • Hybrid Or Combination Format

    The hybrid, or combination format, merges the best of both worlds. It emphasizes both your skills and work history. This format can be particularly useful for experienced nurses looking to shift areas within healthcare or emphasize specific nursing skills.

    Jane Doe, RN
    Contact Information
    123 Main Street, Anytown, USA | (555) 555-5555 | janedoe@email.com
    Objective Statement
    Dedicated and compassionate Registered Nurse with over five years of experience in the medical field, seeking a challenging position to apply my skills in a fast-paced environment.
    Excellent interpersonal skills
    Proficient in electronic medical records (EMR) systems
    Ability to work under pressure
    Professional Experience
    Anytown Hospital, Anytown, USA – Registered Nurse (2018-Present)
    Delivered high-quality patient care for up to 10 patients per shift in a high-stress, acute care setting.
    Collaborated with multidisciplinary healthcare teams to create and implement individualized care plans.
    City Clinic, Anytown, USA – Staff Nurse (2016-2018)
    Administered medication and treatments as prescribed by physicians.
    Provided patient education on disease prevention and post-hospital care.
    Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), Anytown University, 2016
    Licenses & Certifications
    Registered Nurse (RN), State of USA
    Basic Life Support (BLS)
    Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS)

    For nursing CV format, the chronological or hybrid format is recommended. These formats allow you to demonstrate your hands-on experience in nursing roles while also highlighting the specific skills you’ve developed. 

    Always remember the goal is to present your qualifications and experiences as clearly and compellingly as possible.

    Learn more about the best resume formats at Resume Forrest.

    Writing A Strong Objective Or Summary 

    A compelling objective or summary at the start of your nursing resume can make a strong first impression. 

    For new graduates or career changers, an objective in nursing resume can highlight career goals and readiness to apply learned skills, such as: “Newly graduated nurse with a passion for pediatric care, seeking a position to utilize my clinical knowledge and compassionate nature.”

    For experienced nurses, a summary can showcase achievements and skills. Here is a sample of how to write a nurse resume summary or objective:

    Registered Nurse with over five years in intensive care units, proven expertise in managing critical care patients and leading emergency teams. Seeking to leverage my skills at XYZ Hospital

    Whether you choose an objective or a summary, tailor it to the job description, incorporate relevant keywords, and clearly articulate why you’re the ideal candidate. This section is your elevator pitch, so make it impactful.

    Showcasing Skills And Competencies

    Effectively showcasing your skills and competencies on a nursing CV is a critical step in catching the attention of potential employers. Here’s a detailed guide on how to do it:

    • Identify Relevant Skills: The first step is to carefully read and analyze the job description to identify the required skills for the role. These skills could be hard, like specific medical procedures, or soft, like communication or problem-solving.
    • Technical Proficiency: Highlight any relevant technical or specialized skills you possess, such as proficiency in Electronic Health Records (EHR) systems or operating specific medical equipment.
    • Soft Skills: Nursing requires strong soft skills such as clear communication, empathy, patience, and stress management.
    • Certifications: If you hold any industry-specific certifications, such as Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) or Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS), these should be included in your nurse cv.
    • Use Action Verbs: Begin each point with strong action verbs like ‘administered’, ‘collaborated’, or ‘managed’ to make your skills stand out more.

    For example: 

    Administered medication to over 30 patients daily, ensuring accurate dosage and timely delivery. Collaborated effectively with a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals to provide top-tier patient care. Managed emergency situations with a calm demeanor and professionalism.

    Check out: Unveiling The 10 Best Skills To Put On A Resume.

    Detailing Work Experience

    Presenting your work experience comprehensively and compellingly is crucial when crafting a CV for nurses. Here are some detailed pointers to guide you:

    • Recent Experience: Always list your work experiences in reverse chronological order, beginning with the most recent. This strategy provides employers with an immediate overview of your present capabilities and responsibilities.
    • Explain Your Role: Make sure to provide a detailed description of your role at each job. If you were managing a team, responsible for certain patients, or oversaw specific procedures, highlight these details. They offer a glimpse into the breadth and depth of your experience.
    • Highlight Achievements: Beyond listing your duties, it’s essential to emphasize your achievements. For instance, if you introduced a new procedure that enhanced patient care or reduced recovery time, be sure to mention it. This shows that you can take initiative and drive improvements.
    • Use Action Words: Begin each bullet point with an action word. Instead of saying “responsible for patient care,” say something like “Administered comprehensive and efficient patient care.”

    Check Out: The Perfect Number Of Resume Action Words For Maximum Impact!

    • Quantify Where Possible: If you can attach numbers to your achievements, do so. Saying “Reduced patient wait times by 20%” is far more impactful than simply saying “Improved patient wait times.”
    • Include Relevant Training: If you underwent any specific training during your past roles, include this information. It indicates that you are proactive about learning and professional development.

    Here are nursing resume samples of how to write work experience:

    As a Senior Nurse at XYZ Hospital, I led a team of 5 nurses, providing high-quality care to over 50 patients daily. I introduced an effective scheduling system, improving efficiency and reducing patient wait times by 20%.

    Learn more: How to Make a Resume: A Step-by-Step Guide to Crafting an Impressive Profile.

    Relevant Education And Certifications

    When it comes to presenting your nursing education, certifications, and specialized training on your resume, it’s essential to do so in a way that highlights your qualifications and expertise. Here’s an expanded guide on how to effectively accomplish this:

    • Highlight Your Degree: Start with your highest level of education. Include the name of the degree, the institution where you studied, and the year of graduation.
    • Certifications: List all nursing certifications you have earned, including general and specific ones such as CCRN or PALS. Specify the certifying body and year of certification.
    • Specialized Training: If you’ve undergone any specialized training, mention it. This could include training in specific medical procedures, use of medical equipment, patient care techniques, etc.
    • Continuing Education: If you’ve taken courses or attended workshops for continuing education, list these too. It shows your commitment to staying updated in your field.

    For example: 

    I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from XYZ University in 2010. I am also a Certified Pediatric Nurse (CPN), certified by the Pediatric Nursing Certification Board in 2012. My specialized training includes pediatric critical care and advanced life support. In addition, I have completed numerous continuing education courses focused on pediatric healthcare.

    Check Out: Student Resume Examples & tips [Guide for 2024].

    Professional Affiliations And Awards

    Adding professional affiliations and awards to your resume can significantly enhance your profile by demonstrating your active involvement in your field and any recognition you’ve received for your work. Here’s a more detailed guide:

    • Professional Affiliations: If you’re a member of any professional organizations related to your field, list these under a section titled “Professional Affiliations” or “Memberships”. Write the full name of the organization, the years of your membership, and any roles you’ve held. 
    • Awards and Recognitions: Create a separate section titled “Awards and Recognitions” for any accolades you’ve received. Include the name of the prize, the organization that granted it, and the year you received it. 

    It’s important to ensure the relevance of these affiliations and awards to the job you’re applying for. Highlight those that are most closely associated with the position to demonstrate your specific qualifications and achievements in that area.

    For example: 

    I have been an active member of the American Nurses Association since 2015, serving as the local chapter’s vice president from 2016-2018. My dedication to patient care was recognized when I received the ‘Nurse of the Year’ award from XYZ Hospital in 2020.

    Proofreading And Editing

    Proofreading and editing your resume before submission is essential to ensure accuracy and consistency. This process not only helps eliminate minor typos or grammatical errors, which can suggest carelessness but also allows you to refine and improve your content. 

    During proofreading, you can also check the overall structure and design of your resume. A well-organized, visually appealing resume stands out in a pile of applications. 

    In addition, this step gives you a chance to verify that all your contact details and references are correct, as submitting incorrect information could cost you an interview or job offer.

    Role Of Resume Builders

    Resume Forrest, the best resume builder is a cutting-edge platform designed to equip job seekers with professional and compelling resumes. 

    The platform offers various templates and customizable options, enabling users to create resumes that effectively showcase their skills, experiences, and career objectives. Its intuitive interface makes it accessible to users of all technical proficiency levels. 

    Furthermore, Resume Forest provides practical guidance and tips on how to present information in a manner that not only looks visually appealing but also resonates with potential employers. 

    Learn more: ATS-friendly resume templates [Guide].

    Frequently Asked Questions

    1. How To Write a Cover Letter to Go With Your Nursing Resume?

    Start by addressing the hiring manager, introducing yourself, highlighting your qualifications and experiences, explaining why you’re a good fit, and ending with a call to action.

    1. How Do You Write a Good Nursing Resume? 

    A good nursing resume includes contact information, an objective or summary, licenses & certifications, professional experience, education, and skills, all tailored to the job description.

    1. How Do I Write a Good Nursing CV?

    A good nursing CV includes personal details, career objectives, education, clinical rotations, professional experience, certifications, and skills, presented in a clear and organized manner.

    1. What Is the CV Format For Nursing Resume in 2024? 

    The CV format for a nursing resume in 2023 remains the same: personal details, career objective, education, clinical rotations, professional experience, certifications, and skills. 

    1. How Long Is A Nursing Resume? 

    A nursing resume is typically 1-2 pages long, depending on the level of experience and the number of roles undertaken.

    Learn more: How long should a CV be?

    Wrapping Up

    Crafting an impressive nursing resume is more than just listing your qualifications and experiences. It’s about presenting yourself as professionally and compellingly as possible. 

    Every detail matters – from ensuring accuracy in information to refining content, improving structure, and verifying details. Remember, your resume is your first point of contact with a potential employer. It’s your chance to make a strong first impression. 

    So, invest time in proofreading and editing. It may seem tedious, but the results can be incredibly rewarding. You have the skills and the passion. Let your resume reflect that. Good luck!

    Make your move!

    Your resume is an extension of yourself.
    Make one that's truly you.

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    ResumeForrest, a SaaS career operating system, features tools for creating, transforming, optimizing, and scoring resumes to enhance job application success.
