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Interior Designer CV Examples & Tips

Get noticed with a standout Interior Designer CV. Highlight your unique design skills, impressive experience and creativity to land your dream job.

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    Interior design is a competitive field, and your internal designer CV is often the first chance you get to make an impression on prospective employers. 

    It’s more than just a document; it’s a marketing tool showcasing your design skills, experience, and creativity. A well-crafted interior designer CV can open doors to exciting job opportunities and help you stand out from the crowd.

    Your interior designer CV needs to reflect your aesthetic style, attention to detail, and technical knowledge. It should highlight your projects, illustrating your ability to transform spaces, meet client expectations, and manage budgets and timelines. 

    Whether you’re an experienced designer or just starting, crafting an effective interior designer CV is a crucial step in your career journey. 

     an interior designer cv

    How To Write An Interior Design CV? 

    Creating an impressive interior design CV involves several vital steps and a keen eye for detail. Here’s how you can craft your own.

    Personal Information

    Your CV should start with your full name and contact info, including phone number, email address, and LinkedIn profile. Add your professional title—for example, “Interior Designer”—to establish your professional identity immediately.

    Objective Or Summary

    Wondering what is a summary for interior design CV? This section serves as your elevator pitch. It should be compelling, concise, and tailored to the job description. 

    Highlight your critical skills, experiences, and career ambitions in interior design. Make sure it captures the attention of hiring managers and encourages them to read on.


    List your work experience in reverse chronological order. For each position, include the company’s name, your job title, the dates of your employment.

    Projects Portfolio

    As an interior designer, your portfolio is arguably the most critical part of your CV. Showcase your best work, providing visuals and detailing the scope of each project. Describe your role, design style, unique challenges, and solutions provided. This section demonstrates your design style and problem-solving skills.


    Include your relevant educational background. Provide a list of your most recent degrees and any relevant coursework or projects completed during your studies. If you’ve taken specialized interior design courses or earned certifications, highlight them here as well.


    Add Interior Designer skills for your CV in this section. Showcase both your technical and soft skills. 

    Technical skills include proficiency in CAD software, space planning, and knowledge of building codes. Critical soft skills include communication, time management, and project coordination. Choose skills that align with the job description.

    interior designer resume

    Interior Designer CV Summary

    A summary of an interior designer’s CV is a brief paragraph that sits at the top of your CV, just below your personal information. Interior design resumes serve as a snapshot of skills, experience, and career goals, enticing hiring managers to read further.

    • Tailor Your Summary: Customize your summary to match the job description. Highlight experiences and skills that align with the role’s requirements, like sustainable design expertise.
    • Highlight Key Skills: Use your summary to showcase your best skills and experiences. Mention any design awards or high-profile projects to set you apart from other candidates.
    • Be Concise: Keep your summary brief and engaging. Aim for 3-5 compelling sentences that quickly communicate your qualifications and professional identity.

    Interior Designer CV Summary Examples And Tips:

    Award-winning Interior Designer with a passion for creating beautiful, functional spaces. Over 5 years of experience in hospitality design, with a proven record in project management and client satisfaction. Specializes in sustainable design solutions.

    Describing Your Interior Design Experience 

    Describing your interior design experience in your CV is a critical element that can significantly influence a hiring manager’s perception of your capabilities.

    Your experience paints a vivid picture of your professional journey, highlighting your competence, creativity, and commitment to the field.

    Chronological Listing of Roles

    If you are wondering how to describe your interior design experience, start by listing your roles in reverse chronological order, beginning with your most recent position. For each role, include:

    • The company’s name.
    • Your job title.
    • The dates of employment.
    • A summary of your responsibilities and achievements.

    Detailing Duties with Impact

    When detailing your duties, focus on the impact you made rather than merely listing tasks. For instance, instead of saying, “designed interiors for residential properties,” you could say, “transformed client ideas into functional and aesthetically pleasing living spaces, leading to a 20% increase in client referrals.”

    Use of Action Verbs and Quantification

    Use action verbs like ‘created’, ‘managed’, ‘coordinated’, ‘transformed’, and ‘presented’ to make your descriptions more dynamic. Quantify your accomplishments where possible to provide tangible evidence of your skills.

    Check Out: The Perfect Number Of Resume Action Words For Maximum Impact!

    Showcasing Versatility

    Showcase your versatility by mentioning different types of projects you’ve handled, such as commercial, residential, or sustainable design.

    Highlighting Notable Work

    If you’ve worked with notable clients or on significant projects, highlight these to demonstrate your ability to handle high-pressure situations.

    an interior designer cv sample

    Interior Designer Duties and Responsibilities 

    In essence, an interior designer’s duties stretch beyond aesthetics; they encompass project management, adherence to safety standards, and top-notch client service. If you are wondering what are the 5 responsibilities of an interior designer to add in your resume, the top duties include:

    • Conceptualizing and Planning

    An interior designer’s first duty is to plan and conceptualize the design of an indoor space based on client requirements by creating mood boards, sketching designs, and using software to create blueprints.

    • Material And Furnishing Selection

    Interior designers are responsible for selecting materials, color palettes, furniture, and accessories. They must ensure these elements align with the client’s style, the functionality of the space, and budget constraints.

    • Project Management

    Interior designers often oversee the execution of their designs, coordinating with contractors, architects, and suppliers. They must manage timelines, troubleshoot issues, and ensure the project stays within budget.

    • Building Codes And Safety Regulations

    A crucial responsibility is adhering to local building codes and safety regulations. Designers must be knowledgeable about these rules and incorporate them into their designs, ensuring spaces are not only beautiful but also safe and functional.

    • Client Communication and Service

    Clear communication with clients is essential for successful projects. Designers should prioritize customer satisfaction to build a strong reputation and encourage referrals.

    Skills To Add To An Interior Design CV 

    It’s important to note that a well-crafted interior design resume should showcase both technical and soft skills that are relevant to the job. The following are the list of skills to put on an Interior Design CV:

    • Technical Skills

    Interior designers require proficiency in design software, knowledge of architectural layouts, and familiarity with building codes and regulations. Demonstrating these hard skills showcases their ability to create and execute designs accurately.

    • Soft Skills

    Soft skills are crucial for success in interior design. Communication, project management, problem-solving, creativity, and attention to detail are key. 

    Effective communication helps to understand client needs and coordinate with contractors and suppliers. Creativity and attention to detail are vital for envisioning unique designs and executing them flawlessly.

    an interior designer resume

    Interior Designer CVs Based On Experience Level

    When crafting an interior designer resume, it’s crucial to tailor it to interior designer CVs based on experience level. Let’s discuss two examples: Entry-Level and Senior Interior Designers.

    Entry-Level Interior Designer CV

    To kickstart your career in interior design:

    1. Focus on education, internships, and transferable skills.
    2. Create a compelling objective statement that highlights your passion for design and eagerness to learn.
    3. List your interior design degree, relevant coursework, and any completed internships or projects.
    4. Highlight skills like design software proficiency, basic understanding of design principles, and good communication skills.

    Even without professional experience, emphasizing these elements can showcase your potential as an interior designer.

    Learn how to write a good CV for freshers.

    Senior Interior Designer CV

    As a senior professional, highlight your experience and achievements in a compelling summary. 

    Emphasize successful projects, client satisfaction, and any awards or recognitions received. Highlight advanced skills such as project management and team leadership to showcase your expertise in handling complex design tasks.

    Remember, whether you’re starting or are an established designer, the key is to tailor your CV to reflect your strengths and experience accurately.

    Best CV Format for Interior Design

    The best format for CV for interior designers is the reverse chronological format. It emphasizes your work history, placing your most recent job at the top and showcases your growth in the field.

    Include visuals of your work, such as links to an online portfolio or project images. A proper CV format aligns with the hiring manager’s expectations, improving your chances of landing the job.

    Senior Interior designer CV examples in reverse chronological format incorporates the following:

    Samantha Green
    123 Main Street, New York, NY 10001
    (123) 456-7890 | samantha.green@email.com

    Profile Summary
    Experienced Interior Designer with over 8 years in the industry, specializing in residential and commercial design. Proven track record of successful projects and client satisfaction.

    Work Experience

    Senior Interior Designer | XYZ Design Studio, New York, NY | 2019 – Present
    Led a team of five designers on various residential and commercial projects.
    Achieved an average client satisfaction score of 95%.
    Winner of the 2021 ‘Best Commercial Interior’ award.

    Junior Interior Designer | ABC Design Firm, New York, NY | 2015 – 2019
    Assisted in the design and execution of over 30 residential projects.
    Managed client relationships, achieving a retention rate of 85%.
    Recognized for exceptional use of sustainable materials in designs.


    Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Design | Columbia University, New York, NY | 2011 – 2015
    Graduated with Honors
    Member of the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID)

    Proficient in AutoCAD, SketchUp, Adobe Creative Suite
    Excellent communication and client management skills
    Strong knowledge of sustainable design principles

    Interior Designer CV Tips and Tricks

    Some of the additional interior designer CV tips and tricks include the following:

    • Tailor your CV to each job: Adjust your skills and experiences according to the specific requirements of the job you’re applying for.
    • Use action verbs: Start bullet points with action verbs like “designed”, “led”, or “implemented” to show your active role in achieving results.
    • Quantify achievements: Wherever possible, use numbers to illustrate the impact of your work, such as “Increased client satisfaction by 20%”.
    • Include an online portfolio link: This allows potential employers to see your work firsthand.
    • Regularly update your CV: As you gain more experience or new skills, ensure these are reflected on your CV.
    • Embrace continuous learning: Stay up-to-date with industry trends by attending workshops, webinars, and courses. Incorporate new skills into your CV.

    Role Of Resume Builders

    Resume builders, like Resume Forrest, the best resume builder, play a crucial role in helping individuals create professional and impactful resumes. They offer user-friendly platforms with various templates and pre-written examples tailored to different industries and roles. 

    This simplifies the process of creating a resume, especially for those who may need help with formatting or writing about their experiences effectively. 

    Resume Forrest, for instance, provides a step-by-step guide to help users highlight their skills, knowledge, and accomplishments in a manner that is appealing to potential employers. 

    Using these tools can significantly improve the quality of a resume, leading to an increased likelihood of securing job interviews.

    Click to learn about the Best Resume Builder Services in 2023 [Free & Paid]

    Frequently Asked Questions

    1. How Do I Write An Interior Design CV?

    Detail your contact info, summary, work history, education, skills, and portfolio link.

    1. What Is A Summary For Interior Design CV?

    It’s a concise overview of your qualifications, skills, and design philosophy.

    1. How To Write An Interior Designer Resume?

    Start with your contact info, add a compelling summary, list work experience focusing on responsibilities and achievements, note your education, highlight relevant skills, and provide a portfolio link.

    1. What Are The Duties Of An Interior Designer On A Resume?

    Duties can include designing concepts, client communication, material sourcing, and project coordination.

    1. What’s The Best CV Format For Interior Design?

    The reverse-chronological format is commonly preferred, but functional or hybrid could be suitable based on individual circumstances.


    Creating a standout interior designer CV involves showcasing your creative skills, professional experience, and specific accomplishments in an organized and visually appealing way. Highlight your unique design philosophy, portfolio of work, and any relevant certifications or accolades.

    It’s important to tailor your CV to the job posting, highlighting relevant skills and experience. Your job search journey may be challenging, but with a well-crafted CV, you’re one step closer to landing your dream role. 

    Believe in your unique capabilities as an interior designer and persist in refining your skills. Your perfect job is out there waiting for you.

    Make your move!

    Your resume is an extension of yourself.
    Make one that's truly you.

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    ResumeForrest, a SaaS career operating system, features tools for creating, transforming, optimizing, and scoring resumes to enhance job application success.
