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Top Angular Interview Questions For 7 Years Experience

Embrace the challenge, with these angular interview questions for 7 years experience, and unlock the door to the next chapter of your Angular career.

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    As a seasoned Angular developer, you have probably confronted a whole gamut of difficult interview questions to gauge your proficiency. The purpose of delving into these interviews is to exhibit your talent and secure that dream job by having the knowledge about the framework’s core concept as well as advanced issues such as state management and performance optimization. But what are the angular interview questions for 7 years experience that may be asked in the interview. 

    This article from Resume Forrest will help you understand some of the most common angular developer interview questions that experienced developers are likely to be faced with during their next interviews. It offers detailed explanations and practical tips that will enable you to excel in your next interview.

    The best angular interview questions for 7 years experience

    Now that you have managed to secure an interview after crafting a compelling resume describing your experience and angular developer roles and responsibilities resume, now you need to prepare with the angular interview questions and answers to pass your interview.

    That is why we not only collected angular 8 interview questions for 7 years experience or angular 9 interview questions for 7 years experience, but much more to make sure that you are well prepared. Here are the angular interview questions and answers for experienced developers:

    1- Can you explain the differences between Incremental DOM versus Virtual DOM?

    Angular has a different way of dealing with changes in the Document Object Model (DOM) compared to other widely-used front-end frameworks, like React. The approach used by Angular is called Incremental DOM while React uses the Virtual DOM.

    Angular’s Incremental DOM only alters specific areas of the entire document object model. This is done by detecting current and previous states of components and updating the corresponding area in the virtual tree.

    In React, on the other hand, it creates a copy of a document’s structure in memory. Thus, it will only update the actual user interface when necessary; thus minimizing how many times document manipulations are done. It can be more efficient for complex user interfaces but may also add more overhead for simpler applications.

    This is one of the important angular interview questions for 7 years experience, As These two approaches have their pros and cons which implies that one has to consider specific conditions and complexity they have to meet when making a decision between them.

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    2- Can you explain the The Role of NgModule in Angular?

    This is one of the angular interview questions for experienced professionals, as NgModule in Angular serves as an essential building block that defines the boundaries of an application and its dependencies. It acts as a bucket where a variety of related components, directives, pipes, and services are placed to help arrange and handle the functionality of the application.

    The key duties which are handled by any NgModule includes:

    • Encapsulation
    • Dependency Management
    • Lazy Loading
    • Bootstrapping
    • Sharing

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    3- Explain the difference between NgRx vs. Angular Services

    This is one of the angular interview questions for 7 years experience, because Developers have to choose whether to use Angular’s own services or the more powerful and flexible NgRx library when dealing with state management in Angular applications.

    Angular Services:

    • Simplicity: For simple projects, angular services are a good choice.
    • Integration: Angular services are seamlessly integrated into the framework.
    • Familiarity: Making it readily available for developers using them, this makes choosing this option very comfortable.


    Some of its strong points include the fact that NgRx adopts Redux principles, which make it more ordered, and thus fairly predictable in terms of state management.

    NgRx is more scalable than Angular services as it supports complex applications which need advanced state management possibilities.

    Often, deciding on whether to use Angular services or NgRx depends on how difficult an application is and its scope. 

    4- What are Angular Access and Refresh Tokens?

    This is one of the angular interview questions for 7 years experience, because In Angular applications that require authentication and authorization, the use of access and refresh tokens is a common pattern for managing user sessions and maintaining secure access to protected resources.

    Access Tokens:

    • This text demonstrates how you can manage your angular application using access tokens.
    • The identification as well as permission of the user are verified via these ‘tokens’ which are normally included in the HTTP requests Authorization header.
    • These ‘tokens’ should have short lives i.e. between 15-60 minutes so that misuse chances can be minimized.

    Refresh Tokens:

    It will take a long time for these “tokens” to expire thus the name. To get new access tokens once the existing ones expire, refresh tokens are used by Angular.

    Refreshing tokens have longer life spans e.g., one week to four weeks but they are securely kept in HttpOnly cookies within browsers.

    When an accessToken expires, refreshing the token allows asking for a fresh one from auth. server instead of requiring another login attempt from the user.

    In a normal Angular application, this is how you would go about implementing a token management strategy:

    • The first thing to do is to get the initial user’s authentication and refresh tokens.
    • Keep the refresh token securely; for example, by storing it in an HttpOnly cookie and keep the access token either on memory or in the state management system of your application.
    • For all other requests to secured resources, you are supposed to always include in the Authorization header, the access token.
    • When these access tokens expire, request new ones from the authentication server using their respective refresh tokens.
    • Update the saved access token with a new one from the authentication server.

    It is important that Angular applications manage rights and renewal codes properly for continuous security and smooth running of user sessions because.

    5- What is the difference between RxJS vs. Fetch?

    This is one of the angular interview questions for 7 years experience you may be asked, because The powerful restraint of Angular’s reactive programming model has its basis mainly on the RxJS library which offers a vast variety of operators and utilities for handling asynchronous data streams. At the same time, however, although standard fetch API may be used in Angular to make HTTP requests, using RxJS-based methods is better.

    • Reactive Approach: Reactive programming paradigm is embraced by RxJS.
    • Powerful Operators: With RxJs, you can utilize several useful operators such as map, filter and mergeMap.
    • Error Handling: RxJS ensures simple error handling as well as a clear user interface.
    • Testability: Code written using RxJs could be easier to test sometimes since components are not interdependent.
    • Simplicity: fetch API offers an easy and lightweight way to make HTTP requests, which can be fine for less complicated use cases.
    • Browser Support: Hence, when it comes to browser support, the fetch API compares favorably with some of the older RxJS features.
    • Learning Curve: Moreover, in contrast to the more extensive RxJS library, the learning curve of the fetch API is smaller hence beneficial for young Angular developers.

    However, while both approaches have their merits; reactive programming model of Angular is generally enhanced through the usage of RxJS based approach which gives advanced features and capabilities in solving complex asynchronous scenarios.

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    6- What are the SOLID Principles in Angular?

    This is one of the angular interview questions for 7 years experience, because The SOLID principles are basic design rules that you can follow in order to create Angular based applications that are more maintainable, scalable and testable. Let’s see how these principles can be used with respect to Angular development:

    • Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)
    • Open/Closed Principle (OCP)
    • Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)
    • Interface Segregation Principle (ISP)
    • Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)

    7- How do Angular Applications Work?

    This is one of the angular interview questions for 7 years experience, because Angular applications is a very important part as they have the following core building blocks at a high level:

    • Components: These are what make up an Angular application because they combine the UI, logic and data for a particular view or feature.
    • Templates: They use Angular’s templating syntax to define how a component is rendered on screen and its HTML structure.
    • Services: These are responsible for encapsulating business rules, fetching data and other application-level responsibilities.
    • Modules : Modules are containers that group related components, services, directives and pipes and manage their dependencies
    • Directives: They serve as extensions of HTML elements in order to provide creation of custom behaviors and transformations
    • Pipes: Pipes are used to modify data shown on the view template making it more human readable or user-friendly.
    • Routing : This is part of angular that deals with navigation and rendering views based on interactions from users.
    • Dependency Injection: You can handle the lifecycles and create instances for dependencies using angular dependency injection system hence promoting loose coupling as well as testability.
    • Change Detection: It is the way by which Angular updates elements in DOM quickly when there are changes in the state or data of components.

    8- What is Angular Dependency Injection?

    This is one of the important angular interview questions for 7 years experience, as Dependency injection (DI) is an integral concept in Angular that helps establish and manage relationships between disparate portions of the app. This is a programming model which permits you to create an object without referring to its usage, it makes the code more modular, easy to test and maintainable.

    Some of the core things associated with Angular dependency injection include:

    • Injection Tokens
    • Provider Configuration
    • Hierarchical Injectors
    • Scoped Dependencies
    • Testing

    One must understand how dependency injection works in Angular and how to benefit from its capabilities so as to develop modular, testable and maintainable applications.

    9- Can you explain Angular’s MVVM architecture?

    this may be one of the angular interview questions for 7 years experience, because Angular has an architectural pattern that embodies the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) design principle, and this approach aids in the separation of View, ViewModel and Model.


    The model component represents all data and business logic within the application. Such components can sometimes be encapsulated using services or other forms of data access layers.

    The model takes care of all data related operations such as fetching, storing and transformation among others. It is possible to test the model separately from the user interface since it is independent of it.


    Typically, a view refers to a UI implemented as Angular components. The role of a view is to render UI and handle events from users without containing any business logic at all.

    This component binds itself with ViewModel which provides it with required data and behaviors.


    In between View and Model stands ViewModel. In addition to providing necessary data and behaviors for views ,the ViewModel encapsulates the application logic as well as data transformations necessary.

    10- What is The Async Pipe?

    This is one of the angular interview questions for experienced as Angualr’s async pipe is a powerful tool that makes the handling of asynchronous data in templates easier. It allows you to bind your observable or promise directly with the template thus no need for explicit subscription management or manual updates.

    Characteristics of the async Pipe

    • Automatically handles subscriptions
    • Automatically extracts values.
    • Error handling
    • Handling Null/Undefined Variables

    The asynchronous pipe can be used here, it subscribes for updates on the associated observable, extract the latest value emitted from the observable, and handle any errors that occur in this process so that your template code becomes more concise and maintainable.

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    11- How do you make Angular Application Performance Optimization?

    Performance optimization is a critical part of developing high quality Angular applications. Below are some important strategies to optimize your Angular applications:

    • Code Splitting and Lazy Loading: Use Angular’s built-in code splitting and lazy loading features to only load parts of your application on demand which will reduce the initial load time.
    • Ahead-of-Time (AOT) Compilation: turn on AOT compilation to precompile your app’s templates and components thus improving runtime performance while also reducing bundle size.
    • Immutable Data Structures: For change detection efficiency and unnecessary re-renders reduction use immutable data structures(i.e., Immutable.js RxJS observables).
    • Efficient Change Detection: Optimize your component change detection.

    12- What are the Metrics of Good Angular Code?

    When evaluating the quality of your Angular code, there are several important metrics to consider:

    • Code Coverage: Assess the degree to which your automated tests cover your source code. Make sure that at least 80% is covered.
    • Cyclomatic Complexity: Determine how complicated your component and service logic are. A lower complexity means a more maintainable code.
    • Technical Debt: Identify parts of your codebase that need refactoring or optimization, and track how you are clearing technical debt over time.
    • Performance Metrics: Keep an eye on some key performance indicators, for example; load times, rendering speed and scrolling smoothness to make sure your app is optimized.
    • Accessibility: Make sure that WCAG accessibility standards are maintained in UI components and templates.

    13- Can you explain the  Angular Universal?

    Angular Universal is there to enable Angular applications’ server-side rendering (SSR). Explain why it might be useful to use Angular Universal, which includes better SEO results with faster initial loading and user experiences when network speeds are slow. Mention the process of setting up Angular Universal in a project and the trade-offs made during its implementation.

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    14- What is the Angular Component Lifecycle?

    This is one of the important angular interview questions for 7 years experience, so you need to Explain the purpose and use cases of the various Angular component lifecycle hooks, such as ngOnInit, ngOnChanges, ngDoCheck, and ngOnDestroy. Discuss how you leverage these hooks to manage component state, fetch data, and optimize performance.

    Wrap up

    By demonstrating your expertise in these Angular concepts with these angular interview questions for 7 years experience, you’ll show interviewers your depth of knowledge and your ability to design and implement high-quality, scalable Angular applications.

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