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Top 10 steps for a CV format for software engineer

Craft your resume using the best CV format for software engineer to pass the ATS check and land your dream job

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    Skilled software engineers must always have a compelling resume, to do that they need to know the perfect CV format for software engineer and how to build their software CV.

    This article from Resume Forrest will discuss the necessary elements to include in a software engineer resume and offer professional tips about formatting, arranging and delivering your information. 

    This guide for cv for software engineer will be discussing the following:

    • The best cv format for software engineer
    • How to write a software engineer cv?
    • Software engineering resume example

    The best CV format for software engineer

    In this section you will learn how to make a strong CV format for software engineer that catches employers’ eyes whether you are an experienced worker or just starting out. Below are some tips on how to format your Software engineer CV template Word:

    1. Create a Microsoft word document.
    2. In general, keep things consistent. You should have white space around the margins and fonts that stand out a bit but are still easy to read.
    3. Make sure to use reverse chronological order where the most recent experience comes first.
    4. Space things out so everything isn’t bunched together in one place.
    5. Ubuntu, Roboto, and Overpass fonts all work well.
    6. For most text, a 1.0 or 1.15 line space will save you some room if necessary.
    7. It will be better if you use 14 or 16 point Times New Roman, Arial or Verdana for your name so that it is easily readable. 
    8. For all other information on the cv software engineer, use a 10 or 12 point font size. 
    9. There is no hard and fast rule for resume length, but the general consensus is between 1-2 pages.
    10. Save the document as a PDF.

    Unless instructed otherwise, the preferred cv format for software engineer resume is PDF. This is because it is easier to share a junior or a Senior software engineer resume pdf than a Word document and this way the pictures and text will not be moved around.

    Use The best online resume builder for software developer

    How to write a software engineer cv?

    Now that you need the perfect cv format for software engineer ,you need to know how to build a resume. When doing that you need to keep these things in mind:

    Add your personal details

    Personal details should be put in a heading that help to build a good CV format for software engineer, then Start with the following:

    • Full Name
    • Phone Number
    • Email Address
    • Location
    • Link to Professional Portfolio

    Including a portfolio or website can be helpful because it shows employers what you’re capable of and how well you do it. 

    Know how to write a curriculum vitae for software engineer

    Compose a professional summary

    This section should focus on what you have achieved and how that could benefit an employer. Emphasize relevant skills and experience in one or two sentences so hiring managers can quickly scan it. 

    Don’t shy away from numbers either – if you can quantify any accomplishments or responsibilities then do so as this will help set you apart from other applicants and lend more credibility to what is written here.

    Tell the employer about your main skills

    Include a part that states what your most important abilities and skills are – the things that make you suitable for this job. 

    When composing this section, it is often useful to look at the ad one more time and find out which skills they might be interested in most.

    Read the full Guide to Writing a Resume for Software Engineer Internship

    Emphasize your work experience

    After that, list out your employment history. Be sure to include all relevant positions you’ve held within the tech industry. For instance, if software testing and design were parts of any past roles – make it known because those are skills needed for building useful apps!

    But don’t forget about being specific when talking about exactly what you did for each company. And always give numbers! How many people worked under you? How many hours did you put into the projects you worked on ? …etc

    Learn how to craft a resume of senior software engineer

    Highlight skills that you are most proud of having acquired in your career

    The skill section can be placed right under the work history section. In this part, it is most important that you should include what skills or sets of knowledge have been very useful in your career. 

    You are supposed to concentrate on your strong points and bring out clearly those skills which will be relevant for the position. 

    Besides, including some keywords from the advertisement itself may increase chances at succeeding with an ATS scan during the application process.

    Here are few technical skills that must appear in any software engineer’s resume:

    • Languages used in programming
    • Cybersecurity measures
    • Automation techniques
    • Cloud computing facts
    • Software development methodologies followed
    • Testing and debugging

    Add your education

    A lot of software engineers have graduated with a degree in computer science. You can also list any professional education related to software engineering if it helps to show  that you’re qualified for this job; include degrees or certificates earned as well as schools attended and majors studied.

    How to Write A Resume Of Experienced Software Engineer 

    End with your certifications

    Software engineering certifications can boost your skills and set you apart from other applicants. That being said, this is why it may be important to indicate any niche qualifications you hold on your CV software engineer

    Indicate the certification, certifying organization and year of acquisition for each credential added.

    Software engineering resume example

    Looking for a software engineer resume template or example you can follow to write your resume, here is one of the best software engineering resume template:

    Email: your.email@email.com
    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/yourprofile


    A Professional Software Engineer with over seven years of experience in web applications and infrastructure. I have an extensive knowledge of digital and web design, as well as server administration skills, software engineering skills, and development processes that utilize life cycle management programs. Certified in software and web development – Experienced with major programming languages 


    Current Job Title (e.g. Software Engineer), Company/Organization Name, Month 20XX–Present

    Created more than 65 modern applications using different programming languages. 
    Designed unit tests, integration tests and functional tests to achieve 96% code coverage Collaborated with other teams for improving user performance which reduced task time by 12% 
    Designed an automated testing framework to increase test coverage by 12%

    Earlier Job Title (e.g. Junior Software Engineer), Company/Organization Name, Month 20XX–Month 20XX
    worked with a team of 3 developers, testing code, collaborating with Web Designers and noting bugs.
    Reviewed and optimized existing apps which resulted in their average load speed getting faster by 22%.
    Through manual and automated tests I was able to identify and fix more than 320 bugs.


    Microservices development capabilities 
    Database concepts
    SQL knowledge 
    Status tracking tools 

    Bachelor of Science in Software, University name, Date

    IEEE Computer Society Certified Software Development Professional
    CIW Web Development Professional certification by CIW for the year 


    Follow our tips to make the best CV format for software engineer to pass the ATS check easily then use our ai resume optimizer to make sure you are on the right track.

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    Make your move!

    Your resume is an extension of yourself.
    Make one that's truly you.

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    ResumeForrest, a SaaS career operating system, features tools for creating, transforming, optimizing, and scoring resumes to enhance job application success.
